HRHP in the Spotlight:
Media Highlights
Healthy Reefs for Healthy People engages the media to boost environmental awareness by highlighting scientific research, conservation efforts, and the importance of protecting vital reef ecosystems.
$30Mil Damage to Reef
The cargo ship Westerhaven, went aground on Belize Barrier Reef being one of the worst ever to our reefs.
1% of the Planet partnership
Announcement of our new partnership with 1% of the Planet contributing to support people and the planet.
2017 HRHP newsletter
International collaboration of 67 partners up to May 2017 improving the MAR health.
2021 Eco-Audit reduced rate of progress
Release of the 2021 Eco-Audit- a rigurous evaluation of the region's efforts to protect the MAR.
2022 HRI Partner Meeting Report
We share our Report on the last HRI Partners Meeting with more than 90 participants.
7news mid term report for 2022 Report Card does not look great
Health across the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System is slipping.
Advances in reef protection revealed
Aumentar la implementación de acciones en un 1.2% por año durante la última década resulta demasiado lento.
Advertencia arrecifes hondureños
Desde las Islas de la Bahía hasta la costa de Honduras, los corales duros parecían fantasmas blancos.
Agua Nuestro Derecho Posicionamiento COP
AND aboga por el reconocimiento y defensa de los derechos humanos al agua.
Al carecer de peces, la salud decae
El 44% de los 234 sitios muestreados en el SAM presentan "Mala" salud en el Reporte 2022.
Ambientalistas alertan por mala salud del Arrecife Mesoamericano
La salud de los arrecifes en todo el SAM ha disminuido nuevamente, Reporte 2022.
Amenaza Islas del Cisne
Cárcel en Islas del Cisne amenaza las corrientes y la vida marina en el Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano.
UNESCO removed Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System from its list of ‘sites in danger.’
Belize reefs threatened
Report reveals improvement but also details danger posed by tourist-generated pollution, oil extraction and climate change.
Bióloga, urge atender el Arrecife Mesoamericano
Mélina Soto insta a hacernos responsables del deterioro de la salud del SAM.
Chapter adaptive management MAR
The trans-disciplinary thematic areas of oceans management and policy require stocktaking knowledge.
Climate change threatens coral reefs
Coral reefs are threatened with effective collapse under rapid climate change.
Colorless corals
From the Bay Islands to the northern Honduran coast, the hard corals had turned ghostly white.
Coral bleaching worse
Mesoamerican Reef in the Caribbean suffering the effects of mass tourism and global warming.
Cárcel Islas del Cisne
La construcción de la cárcel en Islas del Cisne no es viable desde el punto de vista geológico, ambiental y económico.
Decae salud del SAM
La falta de peces deteriora la salud del Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano.
Disminuye presencia de peces
En 2022 la salud del SAM ha sido calificada como mala, al igual que en 2006.
Drugs poison Mexican Caribbean
Cocaine traces and wastewater found in rockpools hints at the interconnectivity of the water system and the reefs.
Día de los arrecifes
¿Sabías que en Honduras se encuentran algunos de los arrecifes más saludables?
El 44% de los 234 sitios clasifican como malos
La mayoría de los 234 sitios en el SAM se clasifican como "Malos" en el Reporte 2022.
«Erosión» es un documental que aborda las diferentes problemáticas ambientales en la zona norte de Q. Roo.
Esta es la importancia de los arrecifes y su condición actual
El Reporte 2022 preliminar resalta que la salud de los arrecifes de aguas cálidas están en peligro.
Find the Whales videogame
A digital education game was created to raise awareness on the importance of the Mesoamerican Reef.
GFCR approves programmes
HRHP is thrilled to be part of the MAR+Invest program to develop a positive impact.
HRHP as co-author in Handbook
The Handbook brings together a set of world-class contributions from ecology, economics and science.
HRHP statement on Swan Islands prison
HRHP issues a statement on its position regarding the possible maximum security prison on Swan Islands.
HRHP, TNC, and Biophysical principles for NTZ
HRHP as co-author in TNC's "Biophysical Principles for Designing a Network of NTZ's".
HRI 2014 newsletter
Find our 2014 newsletter where we promote and protect the Mesoamerican Reef.
HRI featured in Smithsonian Global
HRI making waves as it becomes part of Smithsonian Institution.
HRI in Honduras
HRHP is responsible for coral restoration and marine ecology surveys, grading the health of the coral reef.
Health of Mesoamerican Reef declining
Informe de Avances 2021 destaca que urgen medidas de protección para el SAM.
Healthy Reefs Initiative presents 2021 Report
El grado de implementción de las acciones de conservación ha mejorado del 54% en 2011 al 66% en 2021.
Honduran park rangers
Roatan is a gold mine for tourism and fishermen but people want tougher laws to turn the area into a no-take zone.
IPCC Report Sobering summary
The intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the Sixth Assessment Report.
Improving health MAR
Our Report Cards create a consistent way of measuring reef health over time.
Less fishing more money
Update on World Bank study on the state of the world's fishing industry.
Love fm video on 2021 Eco-Audit
The Healthy Reefs Initiative releases the 2021 Eco-Audit of the Mesoamerican Reef.
MPA helping MAR
Coral cover in the MAR is up 10 to 16% since 2006, according to 2015 Healthy Reefs Report Card.
Marine reserves and fishing
A study found that no-take MPAs increased fish biomass by 58.2% compared to zones without any form of protection.
Melanie McField our director honored by coral reef society
Coral Reef Conservation Award, Melanie McField Healthy Reefs for Healthy People
Mesoamerican Reef 2021 Eco-Audit shows slow progress
The Eco-Audit results come on the back of a decline in overall reef health as recorded in the 2020 Report Card.
Mesoamerican Reef needs more local support, says report
From massive hotel development through the agriculture industry, humans are destroying the MAR.
Mexican Caribbean Biosphere Reserve ceremony
Melanie McField & Marisol Rueda attended the presidential cremony for the MCBR decree.
More than 6200m2 of coral restored
Coralmania: mass coral transplantation will take place in Honduras, Dominican Republic and Costa Rica.
Nature: Newly discovered coral reef
Explore a Newly Discovered Coral Reef in Nature: Treasure of the Caribbean.
New 2014 Eco-Audit
The new 2014 Eco-Audit was launched simultaneously in the 4 MAR countries in February 12, 2014.
Niveles bajos en la salud del SAM
Al carecer de peces, la salud del SAM vuelve a decaer a los niveles “malos” de 2006.
Oceana highlights 2022 Report Card for the Mesoamerican Reef
Encouraged by the projects currently aimed at restoring the reef and solving destructive human activity issues.
Outbreaks of Caribbean coral disease
Caribbean-area reef researchers and sport divers on the lookout for sites with diseased corals.
Playacar Magazine 117
Marisol Rueda nos habla de cómo los océanos nos hechizan para crear conciencia sobre su cuidado.
Poor 2022 Report Card
“Poor” reef health on the 2022 Report Card for the Mesoamerican Reef today.
Projections of coral reef futures
Increasingly frequent severe coral bleaching is among the greatest threats.
Protecting marine life
Un nuevo estudio del MAR descubrió que las AMP son beneficiosas para mejorar el nivel socioeconómico de las comunidades.
Red alert for coral disease
On the lookout for 2 coral diseases spreading to Jamaica after Florida.
Reef health and social well-being in the Mesoamerican Reef
A Guide to Indicators of Reef Health and Social Well-being in the Mesoamerican Reef Region.
Report on 2016 Regional Meeting
Partners meeting took place in Playa del Carmen, Q. Roo December 1-3, 2016.
Reportan mala salud en el Arrecife Mesoamericano
Retroceso en la salud del SAM 2022 en gran parte por la ausencia de peces.
Reportan mala salud por decremento de peces
77 buzos de 36 organizaciones monitorearon todos los puntos del SAM entre junio y diciembre del 2021.
Reporte insta a cuidar del mar en Honduras
La Enfermedad de Pérdida de Tejido en Corales Duros (EPTCD) afecta a 35 especies de corales.
Retrocede salud del SAM a niveles de 2006
Arrecifes de Cozumel, los únicos con buena salud en el Reporte 2022.
Roatan a gem of biodiversity
Roatan, the largest of the Honduras Bay Islands, boasts an amaing underwater biodiversity.
Miniserie documental sobre el impacto de los eventos climáticos extremos en los corales y manglares del Caribe.
Slow progress in protecting Mesoamerican Reef
La falta de inversión pública y privada en el cuidado del SAM, ha propiciado un avance lento según Informe de Avances 2021.
Slow protection for Mesoamerican Reef
Las acciones enfocadas a la protección del SAM son lentas según Informe de Avances 2021
Smithsonian scientist lauded
ICRS recently awarded Melanie McField the 2021 Coral Reef Conservation Award.
Smithsonian scientist lauds reef health Melanie McField
Melanie McField has been honored by the International Coral Reef Society for her work to gauge the health of the MAR.
Sunup7 2022 Report Card discussion
Discussion on the launch of a preview of the Mesoamerican Reef Report Card and what are the factors for the decline.
Tela Bay and coral diversity
Nicole Helgason shares some news from Tela Bay and its biodiversity.
The MAR+Invest acceleration program
The MAR+Invest acceleration program promotes for-profit projects that contribute to the MAR.
Tourists perceptions of Caribbean Islands
Article about the need to promote local actions to gain tourists' understading.
Treasure of the Caribbean
Una historia de esperanza en tiempos difíciles. El descubrimiento de un arrecife de coral en Belice y Guatemala.
Videojuego encontrar las ballenas
Juego de educación ambiental digital para crear conciencia sobre la importancia y proyectos en el SAM.